Helpful thoughts to HELP a Micro-Group leader

  • A Micro-Group leader is not perfect or able to answer every question, but does strive to follow Jesus

  • A Micro-Group leader is prayerful in who they invite & courageous to ask them to invite another

  • A Micro-Group leader can begin to reproduce disciples who can lead other disciples (Jesus’ Command)

  • A Micro-Group leader is dependent on the Holy Spirit for spiritual growth, not a technique

Help your group spiritually Assess themselves

Pre-Disciple (open to Jesus/seeking answers) —>
New Disciple (recently embraced Jesus as savior) —>
Growing Disciple (seeking to follow Jesus & bear fruit) —>
Multiplying Disciple (committed to making disciples who follow) —>
Catalytic Disciple (engaging in movements of disciples who make disciples)

Help your group target three potential outcomes

  1. Real Disciple-making begun through them - as they move from learner to leader by forming their own Micro-Group

  2. Biblical Community found by them - as they join other Missional Communities/small groups or local church involvement

  3. Spiritual Growth ignited in them - as they continue further Micro-Group options beyond Gospel focus (Proverbs, Ephesians, etc.)

Help your group with consistency using 6 C’s

CONNECT is simply about doing a little life together before jumping into an agenda. Take a few minutes for hang-time.

CELEBRATE is about taking a moment to celebrate completing your assignment that week. Many have never had
a consistent rhythm of reading Scripture or journaling.

CHECK-IN is about holding each other accountable. You may be discussing something from last week's Micro-Group, or you may use an accountability question like: How did your time go with God last week?

COACH is not the sole responsibility of the facilitator, but the responsibility of the Micro-Group. The focus is on peer-to-peer learning. The role of the facilitator is to keep things on track. Our primary tool for coaching is around three strategic questions:
• What did Jesus say to you last week in your readings?
• What did you do about it?
• How can we pray for you?

CARE by spending time in specific prayer for one another. Make sure everyone has time to share anything they may need prayer for and encourage everyone to pray out loud. (Some may need to grow into this over time)

COMMUNICATE relevant information about your Micro-Group. Schedule your next Micro-Group time. Use this time to review the healthy outcomes we seek or principles of Micro-Groups.
(Simple enough to reproduce, Scripture is our only curriculum, Holy Spirit is our teacher, & Following Jesus is our ultimate objective.)

More resources to help understand a Micro-Group strategy