Jesus is our Turning Point

Choosing to see Jesus is the Way, the Truth & the Life

Salvation– placing my faith in Jesus for faith in life

Surrender– following His leading while resting in His work

Worship is our Aim

Choosing to practice faith over convenience at each turning point in life.

Priority of Worship– vital to develop a life of praise individually and corporately

Personal Faith– responsible to grow faith through scripture, prayer, and disciplines

Connection– eager to grow in relationships with believers in a local church community

People are our Calling 

Choosing to invite anyone to faith in Jesus and to live for His mission. 

Growing for Community– Touch Points can help us find community. These different kinds of groups aren’t our real destination, but they offer a relational place for rest, refueling and refreshing needed to grow our faith. 

o  Missional Communities – Designed as WP’s hub for biblical community. MC’s meet in homes in local neighborhoods and include people of with various ages and walks of life. MC’s exist to foster community and to embrace habits of prayer, care, & share. 

o  Discipleship Groups – Designed to reproduce disciples who can multiply themselves in others. These groups are typically comprised of a leader with 2-5 learners in a committed path of discipleship using proven tools for growth.  

o  Study Groups – Designed to foster spiritual growth around truth in more intensive times of teaching. These can be gender-based or focused groups we host on campus.

o  Community Groups – Designed for places of care or specific need. These groups could tackle topics such as marriage, parenting, financial or other life issues needing help in areas of hurt. These are offered as passionate leaders are called to lead using their gifts.

Equipping for Kingdom– multiply our reach by equipping the saints with the gospel 

o  Identity in Christ – finding giftedness and seeking passions 

o  Heart to Give – contributing to God’s plan by giving with generosity 

o  Passion to Serve  – willing to sacrifice to meet needs in the community and church 

Multiplying for Mission – you have a part to play in the kingdom, which demands we go 

o  At Waypoint – strengthening your church’s mission with your spiritual gifts

o  Across the Street/Around the World – obeying the command to love neighbor/reach nations

o  At Home – intentionally living the role of primary faith trainer at home and partnering with the church to equip kids

o  For His Church – participating in church planting & strengthening efforts